Ring size calculator

How to calculate ring size

You can follow one of these two ring size calculation methods before ordering online

1. METHOD (diameter)

  1. Use one of your existing rings,
  2. Find a ruler to measure the millimetres,
  3. Measure the widest part of the inside of your rings.
  4. Compare the size in mm against the ring size below.

2. METHOD (circumference)

  1. If you don’t have a ring already, find a paper stripe or a piece of string,
  2. Measure the thickness of your finger by wrapping your finger with the string,
  3. Measure the length of the string using millimetres.
  4. Compare the around size against the sing sizes on the table here.
Ring Scale
Diameter (mm) Circumference (mm) Size
14,86 46,50 7
15,27 47,80 8
15,70 49,00 9
16,00 50,00 10
16,30 50,90 11
16,51 51,50 12
16,92 52,80 13
17,35 54,00 14
17,75 55,30 15
18,19 56,60 16
18,53 57,80 17
18,89 59,10 18
19,41 60,30 19
19,84 61,60 20